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FOOD Processing

OHF Solution

Micro Food & Vegetable Processor


Most rural residents rely on agriculture for both sustenance and income. However, depending on the season and crop yield, the availability of food varies considerably. Following an abundant harvest, crops are sold at highly reduced prices and often rot before the entire crop can be sold. If provided with improved preservation methods, farmers could extend the shelf life of their produce for transportation to larger neighboring markets or hold their product for later sale or personal consumption.

Potential Solution

Food preservation and packaging to extend the shelf life and ensuring the safety of food by preventing or delaying spoilage and the growth of harmful microorganisms.

How it Works?

Fruits and vegetables contain more than 70% water, making them prone to food spoilage and decay. Food preservation is based on both making the environmental conditions in the food unfavorable for microorganisms that cause spoilage and inhibiting enzymes that break down the food matter. Preservation techniques that do not require refrigeration – chopping, blanching, and blending.

Packaging plays several important roles in the food industry. Good packaging reduces mechanical damage and chemical deterioration of the food contents. Additionally, it optimizes safety and extends shelf life by providing a sealed environment that excludes spoilage vectors, facilitates transport and storage, allows convenience of use by consumer and provides information through its labels. One of the best technique is retortable packaging.

Our Experience

OHF presented the joint Harvey Mudd College (HMC) and National University of Singapore (NUS) Global Clinic team with the task of prolonging the shelf life of local vegetables in an effort to increase the daily wage of subsistence farmers in rural Cambodia. With the support from Beckman Coulter Foundation.

From HMC

Prof. Patrick Little Agnieszka Szymanska
Erin Partlan
Roque Muna
Richard Coronado
Nobuhiro Yokote

From NUS

Prof. Dejian Huang
Zhujun Bing
Hui Ling Chung
Jing Gao