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Past Projects

Sustainable Livelihood project in Nepal

Most families in Nepal are actually small-scale farmers still using traditional, and sometimes inefficient, methods of farming. Their fields may not provide enough crops to feed their families for the whole year or they may be landless with no fields at all. Their income of many families falls below the minimum for proper nutrition, health and education of their children. Operation Hope Foundation (OHF) collaborated with Compassion Hands for Nepal (CHFN) NGO to provide livelihood training to enable families like these to supplement their income and thus raise their standards of living, health and education.


Duration: 16 weeks, 2 hours per day
Recipients: 6 courses with total of 111 recipients
Districts: Lalitpur, Bhojpur, Kavre
Very popular with women, this course teaches them everything they need to know to open a tailoring shop in their own village or town. Each woman has access to her own sewing machine throughout the course and learns to sew 24 different types of garments including a traditional woman‟s dress and a child‟s school uniform. Some women use the garments they sew in class for themselves or their families while others use their class projects as the starting point of a business and sell them to their neighbors.


Duration: 16 weeks, 2 hours per day
Recipients: 6 courses with total of 111 recipients
Districts: Lalitpur, Bhojpur, Kavre
Very popular with women, this course teaches them Course participants achieve proficiency on a modern industrial sewing machine so they qualify for employment in a commercial garment factory.


Duration: 16 weeks, 2 hours per day
Recipients: 6 courses with total of 111 recipients
Districts: Lalitpur, Bhojpur, Kavre
Designed for students and young adults, this course equips high school and college students and careerage young adults with new skills to enhance their education and employment capabilities.


Duration: 2-3 full days
Recipients: 59 people received technical training and 41 families received the support for farming.
Districts: Lalitpur, Bhojpur, Kavre
Teaches modern commercial farming methods to enable families to scale up from raising a few animals for personal use to raising more for commercial sales. Chicken farming – 24 families received the support of chicks (200), feed and equipment Goat farming – 14 families received mother goat support (5-6) and a Boer Buck Breed in each group. Pig farming – 3 families received the support of 7 piglets


Duration: 3 full days.
Recipients: 11 courses with 11 recipients
District: Kavre

Each course participant individually receives 1 day of instruction on greenhouse farming and then, with
the course facilitator working alongside them for 2 days, builds his own greenhouse with plastic sheets
and bamboo.


Duration: 1 full day
Recipients: 2 courses with total of 24 recipients
Districts: Bhojpur, Kavre
Participants learn how to make and package soap with ingredients and materials that are readily available in Nepal


Recipients: Formation of 7 Savings
Credit Unions with a total 73 members
Districts: Lalitpur, Bhojpur, Kavr
CHFN works with village residents who completed our Livelihood Trainings to form a Savings &Credit Union so members can save the profits from their new livelihoods and take small loans for their business expenses. CHFN provides passbooks for each member, guides each new Saving & Credit Union with setup and rules and gives guidance during their monthly meetings.


Recipients: 8 families
Districts: Lalitpur, Bhojpur, Kavre
Selected families are given support worth NPR 35,000 (about US$310) as startup money for a family-run business. Families are evaluated according to their skills and guided in all aspects of choosing, starting and running a small business. The main goal is to increase family income so parents can remain at home with their children rather than take low-paying, menial jobs in another city or in a foreign country. Recipients according to business type: Tailoring – 8 families (8 families received support of tailoring machine and clothes to start up business)


Recipients: 930
District: Tanahu
CHFN brought 8 doctors (2 ophthalmologists, 2 orthopedics, 1 gynecologist, 2 general physicians, 1 cardiologist), 3 nurses and 2 pharmacists as well as our own staff to Bhanu Municipality in Tanahu District. During a 2-day period, 930 people were treated for a variety of health conditions. Many of them were elderly men and women whose health had been neglected by their families or had no one to look after them. About 500 people received reading glasses. One elderly woman said she could now see her grandchildren‟s faces again for the first time in many years.